The Benefits of Coconut Oil

The fantastic smell of coconut alone makes it an oil worth using - the aroma transports you to paradise right from the comfort of your bathroom. But beyond the vacation connection comes gorgeous, supple skin along with some other surprising health and beauty benefits.

Coconut is high in fatty acids, especially lauric acid, which combats acne and inflammation along with it’s anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. These characteristics also help treat skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis. Studies have found that the anti-inflammatory effects even treat pain as well by improving antioxidants in the body.

Applying coconut oil to your skin and hair can help keep them hydrated, due to it’s high saturated fat content. It has been found to considerably reduce protein loss for both undamaged and damaged hair, as well as an excellent moisturizer for the skin. Try adding it to your bath water and hair as you soak for a dual action hydration treatment.

Studies also show that oil pulling (swishing oil in your mouth to release toxins) with coconut oil reduces plaque significantly after one week. That is if you can stand the texture of oil in your mouth for a few minutes. I have not jumped on the oil pulling bandwagon for this very reason.

One of the most interesting effects of coconut oil is that it decreases LDL cholesterol levels to improving brain function in Alzheimer's patients.

However you incorporate coconut oil into your self-care regime, it’s a win!

Tanya Vanden Bosch