Is an Oatmeal Bath Right for Your Skin?

I have a vague memory of soaking in oatmeal as a child. Not the thick porridge you might be visualizing, but more like bathwater filled with floating oats. The soak was meant to sooth the itchiness from Chicken Pox I contracted at a very young age. While bathing in oats might seem odd or extreme, oatmeal baths are an excellent way to help alleviate dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and rashes such as poison ivy. The Vitamin E and ferulic acid found in colloidal oatmeal (oatmeal prepped for use in products) helps sooth itchiness and moisturize the skin. However, as with any type of bath additive, try testing a small area of your body (such as a a foot bath) to make sure it agrees with your skin.

Tanya Vanden Bosch