Baths for Your Mental Health

Baths are no longer just for tots, pleasure, or for when you’re sick. A multitude of scientific research backs the long list of health benefits from inside the body and out. But beyond the number of physical benefits is probably the most important issue we face today: Mental Health. People are more stressed, depressed, and anxious than ever. Unfortunately, not everyone has access to or can afford a great therapist, or is even willing to take the time to invoke self care to help alleviate stress in a healthy way. Instead, many often turn to unhealthy methods - drinking, over exercising, or wasting away doing nothing at all. That’s why taking a long bath may appeal to many due to it’s abundance of health benefits, especially mental health, with minimal effort. The serotonin boost can exceed that of rigorous exercise (and mimic the calorie burn) as well as calm stress hormones and promote better sleep, all from the comfort of your warm sudsy bath.

Tanya Vanden Bosch